

AG亚游集团官方网站的第一个项目提供小额赠款,以支持教师的创新, 课堂实践项目. 30年,超过40年,800个“最佳实践”项目之后, our collective programs continue to make a difference in the lives of 350,000+学生/家庭和20,000 educators throughout Miami-Dade County Public Schools.

Our initiatives have contributed $18+ million in free classroom supplies. 我们已经聘请了数百名商业专业人士成为教学质量的倡导者. 我们正在51所小学建立校园生态实验室,其中26所已经成为“食物森林”. 30多个,000名学生的饮食习惯由于这个多维户外实验室的倡议而得到改善.

The objective of each Education Fund program is to work side-by-side with the private sector to support and promote quality public education for every child in Miami-Dade County Public Schools by providing teachers and students with resources they need to be successful.

AG亚游集团官方网站活动程序的范围显示在下面的红色是超链接到每个活动程序. 在过去的三十年中,其他的高峰计划也被地区所采纳和/或扩大. Some of those shown below have forged the path to systemic change such as FamilyTech. 你可以在这里读到所有这些. 


  • 让51个M-DCPS小学或K-8学校的学生种植和维护蔬菜, fruit, and herb Food Forests on school grounds while using the experience to promote healthy eating habits and nutritional knowledge that will last a lifetime. 帮助改变了学校的政策,使花园可以用来教授各种科目, 加上营养, 农产品也可以用于自助餐厅, AG亚游集团官方网站 continued expanding the program. In 2015, we launched the Food Foresting concept in 11 schools, 创造舒适的户外庇护所,同时种植足够的农产品供学校用餐和家庭使用. 到目前为止,我们已经建造了26个食物森林.

  • 提高公众对教师在学生成就中所起关键作用的认识. Business professionals from across the county learn about the challenges of teaching, 收集同事的支持承诺, 然后在课堂上亲身体验一天的困难和收获. Participants gain a deeper understanding for teachers, 教学质量, 以及它对学生成功的影响. 你是,或者你知道,一个商业领袖吗? 邀请他们加入CEO挑战!

  • Helps teachers make the most of innovative and creative ideas by awarding them grants to package and disseminate their ideas, providing teachers with a "best practices" catalog, 详细的课程包和教案, 一年一度的创意博览会教师大会, grants to adapt and/or tailor the featured projects to their own classrooms, and professional development and Distance Learning webinars.

  • Award small cash grants to teachers who want to try something new in the classroom or wish to franchise a project by their peer -- all to stimulate learning. More than 1,100 outstanding projects have been developed with these grants.

  • Collects surplus inventory and supplies from the business community and makes them available for free to public school teachers throughout Miami-Dade County. 自1993年成立以来, 该中心接待了30多名学生,000 teacher visits and has made more than $18 million in donated goods available. 庆祝AG亚游集团官方网站海洋银行教材中心成立28周年!

  • 为M-DCPS的美术教育提供急需的资源、认可和财政支持. Students create works made from "found" objects at the Ocean Bank Center. These original works are exhibited and judged, with an awards ceremony to follow. Many art pieces are then auctioned at an annual charity gala, with proceeds benefitting the district's visual arts programs. 这场名为“为了对艺术的热爱”的拍卖包括萨波兹尼克保险公立学校校友成就奖, which showcase how a public education can lead to great success.

  • For most students in our school district -- one of the poorest in the nation, 上大学仍然是一个梦想. AG亚游集团官方网站’s SmartPath program (formerly Citi Postsecondary Success Program, CPSP) is an initiative that aims to embed a college-going culture in high schools, 帮助低收入和第一代学生成功地为大学和职业做好准备. SmartPath began as a five-year collaborative effort with our school district, 社区组织, 以及当地的高等教育机构. AG亚游集团官方网站试点在国家资助项目中取得了最高的成绩,并在五所高中继续进行, 服务低收入学生和家庭.

  • 这是一年一度的庆祝活动,以胜利派对的形式庆祝AG亚游集团官方网站“一教一松”教师冠军, 食物森林的小型装置, 艺术展览, 和拍卖, etc. 还有另一个维度——由我们地区30个烹饪项目的团队提供餐饮. 各队参加了南海滩葡萄酒比赛 & Food Festival, with chefs and restauranteurs judging their entries. 团队还获得了在准备和服务500多名派对参与者时获得的最重要的“实践”经验. 我们在2020年3月初的活动取得了巨大的成功!

  • 我们最新的计划, 这个试点项目包括三个方面, 实践资助机会:公民计划, UTD有效公民身份, 及俱乐部内部理事会. High school students engage in project-based learning as they explore the steps involved in creating policy change on a local, state, 或者联邦层面. 在2019-20学年,整个县资助了30个学生动力项目.


  • 创建转型教练以构建变革(CTC)

    was a pilot program collaborating with the district's College Assistance Program (CAP) to create a structure that expanded the roles of teachers and guidance counselors so they could become mentors/coaches who could help their students appreciate the benefits of attending college and develop the practical skills needed to apply. 该项目针对的是M-DCPS职业学院高中,这些高中为低收入人群提供了很高的服务, 少数民族学生. It was a precursor to CPSP, now known as SmartPath to College.

  • 教师网络领导学院(TNLI)

    通过校本行动研究项目,使教师的声音成为制定教育政策的一个因素. AG亚游集团官方网站 participated in TNLI as one of 14 affiliates throughout the country that collaborated on studies and shared their results and recommendations with policy-makers. AG亚游集团官方网站's document may be found in our 出版物 section.

  • FamilyTech

    opened the world of computer technology to more than 10,000多名低收入学生和他们的家庭通过在他们的家中放置翻新的电脑, and training parents to use the computers and supervise their children's work. 在课堂上,学生的老师学习将技术融入课程. FamilyTech helped Miami-Dade County Public Schools push the use of technology in the classroom well ahead of most districts across the county.

  • 成功的基金

    The Citi 成功的基金 for 20 years served the needs of at-risk students in our community by motivating them to stay in school through teacher-directed project-based learning. 我们达到了168,000名高危学生中有超过1,000 stimulating learning experiences in elementary, middle, 高中, and alternative/specialized schools throughout Miami-Dade County.

  • 团队导师资助

    是为了鼓励新老教师之间的合作. 这种合作以课堂为中心, 学生学习项目,为老教师和新教师提供共同的工作基础.

  • Superintendent's Urban Principal Initiative (SUPI)

    是全国最全面的中学管理人员领导力发展项目之一吗. 通过在线评估工具, 与国内教育专家合作, 行动研究培训, 退休管理人员的指导, 参加哈佛研究所, 九周的实习和额外的指导, SUPI为学校领导做好准备,以应对该地区最需要学生的挑战.

  • 市民大会堂会议/社区对话

    AG亚游集团官方网站推动社会各界讨论公共教育议题的工作之一. 第一次市政厅会议以“课堂危机”为主题,重点讨论了教师招聘和留任问题.